
This page demonstrates some common website accessibility issues. Can you spot them? Then see how the page could be revised to be more accessible.

Latest Updates

Fast Facts

How Many People Have Disabilities?

tbody tr { background-color: #fff !important; } .page td { border: 2px solid #d5d6d2 !important; }
Worldwide 20% in 2011
Minnesota 10.9% in 2017
U.S. Students 19.4% undergraduate students in 2015–16
11.9% graduate students in 2015–16
UMN Students 4,000 systemwide in 2019

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Alternative Text

The photograph for the January 28 DIY Accessibility Lunch 'N Learn has an alt tag, "picture.jpg," but it doesn't convey what is in the picture.


The "Latest Updates" and "Fast Facts" headings do not meet WCAG contrast standards.


Screenshot from the WebAIM Contrast Checker showing that the Foreground Color of #FFB71E on the background color #777677 has a contrast ration of 2.59:1 and fails WCAG standards


There are several heading errors:

  • The "Latest Updates" text is a heading level 2, and the two headings beneath it are heading level 4s.
  • The text, "How Many People Have Disabilities?" looks like a heading, but it has been styled with the formatting tools in the text editor so that it is not marked as a heading.
  • There is an empty heading level 2 at the bottom of the sidebar.
  • The "errors" heading in the sidebar is a heading level 3, and so are each of the accordion links in the subsection below.


There are several link errors:

  • The two "learn more" links on their own do not convey to users what to expect if they click the links.
  • The above two links also look like buttons but don't submit information.
  • The linked text in the table doesn't indicate that the links take you to the source documents for the data.
  • A link in the table is repeated.


The list in the sidebar has bullets in both the main and the nested list.


The table doesn't have a header row or column.

Video and Audio

Make sure all videos you include on your website have captions and transcripts, as this one does. 

However, when we first embedded videos like this one on this site, auto play was not turned off.