Image Tags and Styles

Add appropriate alternative text or an empty alt attribute to every image, including CSS background images, and ARIA tags to font icons. 


Use minimalist HTML to semantically describe the content of a page, and CSS to style it.


Structure your digital content with paragraph styles in documents or heading tags in web pages.

Course Syllabi

Include a personalized accessibility affirmation in your syllabus and format it so it is accessible.

Course Materials

As you create or update course materials, identify and correct any that are improperly formatted, inconsistent, or disorganized.


Write links that are concise, descriptive, and meaningful out of context.


Present key concepts, sequences, and like items of more than two as lists where possible.

Contact Us

We Welcome Your Feedback!

As technologies evolve, so does Digital Accessibility knowledge, skills, and practices. We depend on insights and input from the University community to keep this site accurate and up to date.

Please email [email protected] to report issues with the site or its contents or to provide recommendations for new content.  

Who We Are

This site is maintained by the Office of Information Technology (OIT) with guidance from the Accessible U Committee.

Content was created or curated in collaboration with our partners from the following units and others in the University of Minnesota community: 


Include a summary in the A1 cell, give each sheet a unique name, make row and column labels specific, and keep your software current.

Slide Presentations

Use preset layouts, readable fonts, descriptive links, and alternative text in your slides.