Develop an Annual Editorial Calendar


  • Web and Email Digital Accessibility Coordinators (WEDAC)
  • ODA Communications Staff

Implementation Guidelines

Consult the Accessible U Committee to coordinate publication of website content with communications.

The editorial calendar should include regular communications with liaisons (both at the regular liaison meetings and asynchronously), from liaisons to site owners, and with key leaders and stakeholders. 

Communication ideas include:

  • Develop a campaign to elevate the visibility of liaisons within their colleges, departments, and units.
  • Create a Google Group for liaisons and a regular posting schedule.
  • Develop processes and toolkits liaisons can use to disseminate the key messages.
  • Regularly promote the University’s accessibility badging program.
  • Create a short video series introducing accessibility to colleges, units, and departments.
  • Provide presentations and facilitate discussions at colleges, units, and departments, such as those provided as part of the Cultivate Inclusion Challenge
  • Distribute HTML handouts on simple, easy-to-implement accessibility tips. 
  • Host events/activities that tie in national initiatives such as National Disability Employment Awareness Month (October) and Global Accessibility Awareness Day (May).
  • Provide additional accessibility communications tools and resources to unit liaisons and other champions.
  • Partner with University Relations (UR) and other units to include accessibility resources in their communications.


The calendar is drafted and updated based on liaison feedback

Target Date



To Do

