Find additional University resources on accommodated instruction, testing, and effective practices for supporting students with disabilities.
The University and faculty senates passed a resolution in 2019 recommending that faculty and instructors systemwide complete accessibility professional development activities. The Digital Accessibility Pedagogy Workgroup compiled the resources below in 2023 to support the resolution.
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Academic Technology Support Services (ATSS)
As a system-wide office, Academic Technology Support Services supports the UMN teaching mission in three areas:
- Using technology to engage learners
- Creating multimedia resources (examples of work)
- Exploring new technologies (current focus is FeedbackFruits)
Contact Academic Technology Support Services to:
- Schedule a consultation
- Plan your future course re/design project
- Make your course accessible
Academic Technology Support Services publishes the Teaching with Technology monthly newsletter and the Extra Points blog.
Bakken Center for Spirituality and Healing
The Bakken Center enriches health and wellbeing by providing interprofessional education, delivering innovative engagement programs, and advancing innovative models of care.
Offerings include:
- A public-facing Wellbeing Series
- Webinars
- A variety of mindfulness and other programs
Canvas: Design an Accessible and Usable Course Site
Learn about good practices for creating course sites that are both usable and accessible to the widest range of students, including organizing content with:
- A landing page
- Module layouts
- A limited menu
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Center for Educational Innovation (CEI)
CEI offers a variety of opportunities to deepen your learning and expand your practices on this topic and others. They include:
- CEI list of Faculty and Instructor Programs
- CEI Teaching Resources
- CEI Events Calendar (a schedule of upcoming professional development opportunities)
- CEI newsletter (distributed monthly to subscribers)
Digital Accessibility Badging Program
The Digital Accessibility Badging Program teaches you how to create emails, slide decks, documents, and more in an accessible way, without using code.
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Completion Credentials
Participants can elect to have course completion through their Training Hub learner record or complete an optional project to earn a digital badge. Completion of all 6 courses is not required: participants can elect to complete individual courses that pertain to their teaching/learning context.
Disability Resource Centers (DRCs)
The DRCs work with students, faculty/instructors, staff, and guests with disabilities to facilitate access and arrange reasonable accommodations.
The centers also support University faculty, instructors and administrators to create more accessible and inclusive systems, processes, and learning environments.
ECHO: Equity and Diversity Certificate Hosted Online
ECHO is a program of 10 workshops.
Participation in each workshop entails engagement in three learning activities:
- Reading materials
- Watching or listening to video/audio clips
- Group Discussion participation via Canvas and Zoom
These activities represent and reflect three ways to learn and grow in equity and diversity work:
- Intellectual learning
- Emotional processing
- Practicing skill
Time to Complete
Completion Credentials
Certificate is conferred upon completion of all 10 workshops.
Fundamentals of Disability Accommodations and Inclusive Course Design
All faculty, graduate teaching assistants, and other instructors on all campuses must take this course, comprised of three 20-minute modules.
Mental Health Training
Comprising eight, 20-minute learning modules that are available to all UMN employees, the Mental Health Training provides essential skills for supporting the needs of today’s students. The series includes the following modules, which can be completed individually or in sequence. Module 1 is a prerequisite for the others. Visit the Training Hub to register for each module.
- Student mental health on your campus - prerequisite module
- Making effective referrals
- Listening effectively to student mental health concerns
- Responding appropriately to student mental health concerns
- Situations of student suicidality
- The impact of identity and oppression on student mental health
- Beyond the individual: Promoting mental health for groups of students
- Taking action to promote student mental health: Applied project
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Offices of Equity and Diversity
At the University of Minnesota, equity and diversity are advanced as “everyone’s everyday work” through both system-wide and campus-specific opportunities.
Sign up for system-wide mailing lists to be notified of upcoming opportunities, and explore parallel resources and opportunities on your home campus:
- Crookston Office of Multicultural Education
- Duluth Office of Diversity and Inclusion
- Morris Office of Equity, Diversity, and Intercultural Programs
- Rochester Office of Diversity and Inclusion
- Twin Cities / Systemwide Office of Equity and Diversity
Online Teaching and Design Program (OTDP)
OTDP is a program of nine asynchronous online modules delivered via Training Hub and Canvas. Each module enables learners to develop appropriate online strategies and technology tools and apply them to their own courses.
The modules are most fruitful when they relate to an online or blended course the learner can develop or revise using skills learned.
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Completion Credentials
Participants can elect to have course completion recorded through their Training Hub learner record or complete an optional project to earn a digital badge. Completion of all modules is not required: participants can elect to complete individual modules that pertain to their teaching/learning context.
Practices to Support Student Mental Health and Wellbeing
Learn about effective practices that can reduce stress, improve mental health, and reduce the need for accommodations in this online document, the result of a collaboration between the Center for Educational Innovation and the President’s Initiative for Student Mental Health.
It is organized into relevant policies, quick wins, and longer-term holistic approaches and includes recommendations for department/unit heads.
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Teaching Resources (Center for Educational Innovation)
Find lists resources, programs, and webinars, including resources that introduce skills to:
- Design Effective Learning Experiences
- Create Inclusive Learning Environments
- Assess Student Learning
- Reflect on, Evaluate, and Improve Teaching
The programs and webinars provide research-based and practical instructional support for developing accessible and inclusive courses and class sessions in face-to-face, online, and blended modalities.
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Teaching Support
Teaching Support resources and offerings are coordinated by four teaching and learning partners:
- Academic Technology Support Services
- Center for Educational Innovation
- Disability Resource Center
- University Libraries
Through the Teaching Support website, faculty can request assistance through college and system campus support and find a monthly events calendar offering webinars, workshops, and self-paced courses.
Many of the Teaching Support resources and offerings address current University priorities, including creating accessible and inclusive materials and learning environments.
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Wellbeing Enhances Learning (WEL) Model
The WEL Model identifies key goals toward enhancing student wellbeing across six dimensions and supplies a descriptive list of practices that contribute to each goal:
- Health
- Relationships
- Security
- Purpose
- Community
- Environment
Each practice is accompanied by three suggested strategies and examples that can be adapted to a particular course. The WEL Model toolkit is a guide to implementing the model.