Unit and Departmental Support


Get help meeting the digital accessibility deadline from staff in your collegiate unit.


The ODA coordinates the work of two types of representatives from each collegiate unit based on the type of content. 

Academic Digital Content

Academic Digital Accessibility Liaisons (ADAL) can help faculty and instructional staff with academic content. Contact your ADAL lead.

University of Minnesota Academic Digital Accessibility Liaisons (Google Doc)

Web and Email Content

Web and Email Digital Accessibility Coordinators (WEDAC) can help staff with website and email content. Contact your WEDAC lead.

WEDAC Contacts (Google Sheet)


Academic Digital Accessibility Liaisons (ADAL)

The ODA will request that the dean of each collegiate unit appoint an Academic Digital Accessibility Liaison (ADAL). The ADALs responsibilities include:

  • Serve as Point of Contact: Serve as the main contact between the ODA and your college/unit and for accessibility-related inquiries and support from within your college or unit. 
  • Raise Awareness: Share information with your college/unit about: new digital accessibility requirements and timeline; accessibility checker tools; and opportunities for training and support. 
  • Track Progress: Regularly track the progress of digital accessibility in your college/ unit. ODA will provide tools/training for tracking progress. 
  • Report: Track progress and report on the status of accessibility initiatives to college/unit leadership.
  • Facilitate Continuous Improvement: Stay updated on the latest accessibility standards and technologies, and implement improvements as needed.

Web and Email Digital Accessibility Coordinators (WEDAC)

The ODA will appoint a coordinator for the Web and Email Digital Accessibility Coordinators (WEDAC). The WEDAC Coordinator will organize monthly meetings with WEDACS to coordinate accessibility work, share resources, and report on progress.

Marketing and Communications Leads and/or IT leads from each Resource Responsibility Center will appoint at least one WEDAC for their unit. The WEDACs responsibilities include:

  • Serve as Point of Contact: Serve as the main contact between the ODA and your college/unit and for accessibility-related inquiries and support from within your college or unit. 
  • Identify Accessibility Champions: Identify the people responsible for creating and/or posting content and configuration or construction of public websites and mass emails in your unit (we’ll refer to these people as "Accessibility Champions").
  • Raise Awareness: Coordinate information among your unit’s Accessibility Champions about  
    new digital accessibility requirements and timelines, accessibility checker tools, and opportunities for training and support.
  • Track Progress: Regularly track the progress of the Accessibility Champions in your unit.
  • Collaborate: Work closely with your unit's Accessibility Champions to align efforts and share best practices.
  • Report: Track progress and report on the status of accessibility initiatives to academic or support unit leadership.
  • Facilitate Continuous Improvement: Stay updated on the latest accessibility standards and technologies, and implement improvements as needed.
  • Attend Monthly Meetings: Attend Monthly WEDAC Community of Practice meetings to share progress and learn from experts and peers.