The strategic plan presents an initial roadmap of how the University community can collaboratively work to ensure that our most public and widely used digital content complies with the University’s policy on digital content accessibility.
Learn about the strategic plan workgroup, what we were charged to do, and the processes we used.
We believe establishing central coordination of accessibility efforts is key to making significant and sustainable progress toward meeting the requirements of the accessibility policy.
We believe that meeting the requirements of the accessibility policy is everyone's responsibility, and all of us need to work together to distribute the work and support each other.
It will take sustained collective effort to fully meet the requirements of the accessibility policy. We will need to track issues and how they are addressed over time to ensure remediation.
Distributing responsibility for accessibility will be effective only if we frequently inform the University community about issues and support resources while celebrating progress.
See a list of all tasks that are part of the strategic plan below.
Find definitions of terms used in the University’s policy on digital content accessibility.