Follow accessibility guidelines when developing websites and web applications and your product will more usable, by more users, on more devices. The resources below are written for developers. Others can get an introduction in the Digital Accessibility: Create Accessible Web Content course.
Many ARIA features are incorporated into HTML5, so use HTML when possible, or make sure you use ARIA to mimic equivalent browser behavior in script.
Use label tags for all fields, fieldset and legend tags, and onfocus styling to ensure all users of your product can submit website forms.
Use minimalist HTML to semantically describe the content of a page, and CSS to style it.
Add appropriate alternative text or an empty alt attribute to every image, including CSS background images, and ARIA tags to font icons.
Include appropriate alt text, focus styles, and HTML and ARIA tags in links.
Add a separate activation control to select lists, provide an alternative to pop-up menus, and include alternative text with autofill fields.
Simplify tables, include row and/or column headers and content in all cells, enable size changes, and associate cells with their headings.