- Office for Digital Accessibility (ODA)
Implementation Guidelines
The processes should include
- How the ODA should assess form submissions
- How content owners should respond to reports
- When and how to remove content that is or can not be remediated
- How to request and monitor temporary policy exceptions
Ideas for how content owners should respond include:
- Acknowledge the receipt of the issue in writing.
- Consult with the ODA and the appropriate unit liaison to determine appropriate next steps, which may include the following:
- Recommended resolution, including remediation and/or temporary or alternative access accommodations
- Reasonable timeline
- How to communicate with the reporter, or if the report is anonymous, key stakeholders such as faculty, administrators, and staff who are responsible for the content.
- Upon resolution of the issue, verify with the reporter that they can access the content.
- If an equally effective alternative manner cannot be provided or the reporter is not satisfied with the results, provide contact information of the ADA Compliance Officer, who can provide further assistance in resolving the issue.
Processes are drafted and updated based on liaison feedback
Target Date
To Do