Remove Content


Remove content you do not need to share right now and delete content you no longer need. 


The 3Rs framework can help guide your next steps toward meeting the digital accessibility deadline.

The Remove stage sets the foundation for a successful implementation of the accessibility compliance process. We do not want you to put time and effort into making unwanted and unused content accessible; it’s a waste of your time and the University’s resources.


 Inventory Content

Take an inventory of your digital content on course or websites and determine what content should stay and what content is outdated or out of use and can be deleted, unpublished, or archived. 

Inventory How-tos

 Delete Unneeded Content

Delete content you will not use again.

Canvas Delete How-tos

Drupal Delete How-tos

Google Delete How-tos

UMN Delete Policies

 Unpublish Content You Want to Save

If you have content you want to save but aren’t sure you’ll be using again, you can unpublish it on course sites and Drupal websites. That way you can republish it easily when you need to.

Canvas Unpublish How-tos

Drupal Unpublish How-tos

Google Docs Unpublish How-tos

 Change Sharing Settings

You can also change who has access to your content in Google Docs and other applications to prevent others from finding the content.

Canvas Sharing How-tos

Drupal Sharing How-tos

Google Apps Sharing How-tos

  Get Help

Both local and central support is available to help you meet the accessibility deadline.