- Web and Email Digital Accessibility Coordinators (WEDAC)
- Marketing and Communications Leads
- Office for Digital Accessibility (ODA)
Implementation Guidelines
Ideally, the accessibility tracking system should include an inventory of all course sites and websites used to conduct official University business and their owners, although this is not an easy task.
The support team for the Drupal platform already track this information for all Drupal Enterprise and Drupal Lite sites. Consider how to identify other sites, such as:
- Canvas course sites
- Google Blogger and Google Sites sites
- Sites hosted on other platforms, such as GitHub and Wordpress Cloud
- Sites hosted on premises
Sites may be able to be identified through some of the following sources:
- Atlas entries, such as those tagged with Web Development
- Network Address Management domain name service (DNS) records
- Self-Managed Server Hosting team (which no longer offers web hosting but may be aware of sites hosted by local units)
- Technology Help staff
Inventory of course sites and websites is created
Target Date
To Do